Hi, I'm Narelle

I'm passionate about helping women make a real impact

Growing up, I wanted to be a musician.  A massive dose of performance anxiety and being laughed off a stage killed it for me.  Result:  Dazed and confused, without the one thing I loved to do the most.

Then followed a career of ‘jobs’ I mostly hated, a laundry list of events that all led back to me believing I wasn’t enough as I was. Relationship issues, life threatening health issues, rage against the machine, self-esteem issues, single parenting, step parenting, you name it I have probably given it a go!

Early on my career choices were made for the wrong reasons—usually money—because I didn’t have a better process for making those decisions, and because I had lost that thing in me, my music, literally. It’s what made me, me. I smashed prestigious roles in media and finance, but they didn’t light me up, instead they burnt me out, over and over again..

It took until I was thirty something to start doing something for myself, not because of rebellion, desperation or finances but because I deserved it and was ready. I studied massage and polarity therapy, then counselling and coaching, all skills I use today as a specialist career counsellor and life coach.  I recently completed postgraduate studies in career development, not bad for a girl who could not even get a degree back in the day.  When things are right, the right things happen.

My job is to uncover new career paths for women who still don’t know what they want to be when they grow up, or aren’t quite sure what those ‘right’ things are yet, and the truth is over time they might have changed. We work through not just what you want to do, but who you want to be. My clients—who include executives, mothers returning to the workforce, women in mid-life career transition for a variety of reasons, and veterans—are supported to make smart, informed and mature decisions about how to build dream lives where success flows from authenticity.

There’s a handful of opening questions I ask, and I encourage you to ponder them while you are here. What or who are you saying no to that you deeply regret not pursuing? What is the risk of being who you truly are and having all that you desire in life? What are you too scared to show the world, and what is that costing you?

Are you willing to die with your music still in you?

I wasn’t.

Counselling is a lot like music. The beauty of music is found in the spaces between the notes, and life is no different.  I love looking for what is ‘in the liminal space’, and supporting clients weave their purpose, career and life into their own masterpiece.  That is my ‘inner musician’ superpower.

I’ve learnt, the hard way, that being smart is one thing but not THE thing. Without knowing your heart, and what lies in the ‘space in between’ you know nothing. Faith in life, forgiveness, trust, compassion are all you need to start to return to you.

What I value

I value integrity, creativity, beauty and safety.

I believe that building a career and life that reflects your values is the only way to live.  It’s way I live.

Above all I value womens rights to equity, and have made it my career to support women in achieving this.

How I work

Weaving a career into your life is a unique and individual experience and I approach every client as a unique individual with a story to tell, and a future to create.

I help clients find the courage and internal resources to uncover and harness their own  superpowers. I trust you already have the power and magic you need.  Are you ready unleash it?

What qualifies me to help you?

  • Graduate Certificate in Education (Career Development & Counselling)

  • Diploma Polarity Therapy

  • Cert IV Counselling

  • Cert IV TAE

  • Dare to Lead training (Brene Brown)

  • Ayurvedic Wellness Coaching Certificate (Shakti School)

  • Mental Health First Aid Certified

  • Over 2500 hours coaching veterans in career transition and almost 20 years in private practice as a counsellor and coach

  • Lived experience

  • Professional Member of the Career Development Association of Australia (CDAA)
  • Registered Member of the Career Industry Council of Australia (RPCPD)